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The effect of time on your retirement account

Learn about the effect of time on your retirement account and why it's a good idea to start saving for retirement early in your career.

The effect of time on your retirement account

When you’re young, you’re in one of the best positions you’ll ever be in to start planning for retirement.
It might seem strange to think about retiring from a career you probably just started, but setting aside even a small amount of money in a retirement account now, can have a big impact on your savings several decades down the line. That’s because time can be your best ally when it comes to investing for retirement.

Early retirement savings: a hypothetical example

Let’s take a look at what happens if you start investing just a small amount for your retirement in your early twenties, say, $10 a week over the course of 10 years in a tax-deferred retirement investment account, like a traditional 401(k) or IRA.
Now, when we say tax deferred, that means you’d pay taxes later, generally in retirement. And, for example, a contribution to a traditional IRA could be eligible for a tax deduction, depending on your income and whether you are participating in an employer plan.
In any case, let’s say that these hypothetical investments grow at a rate of 7% per year. Now, 7% has historically been a pretty decent return on investments over long periods, but it certainly isn’t guaranteed. There could be years when your investments perform really well, and the return is even higher. And there could be years when your investments don’t do as well, and you actually lose money.
Unlike a deposit account at a bank, an investment account is not FDIC insured and is not bank guaranteed. But for the sake of this hypothetical example, let’s say that your money does grow at an average constant rate of 7% per year. Setting aside $10 a week, every week for 10 years, adds up to $5,200 of principal.
But over the course of this time, if your investments have had the opportunity to grow at a rate of 7% each year, that could come out to a total of about $7,700. So that would be an extra $2,500 that you could theoretically earn in your first 10 years of making steady contributions of $10 a week.
Now, you might think that isn’t much after 10 years, and hey, you could use that money to save for an awesome vacation instead. But let’s take a look at what happens to that $7,700 over the next 10 years.
Even without contributing any more money to your account, which you’d hopefully still be doing, at a 7% annual rate of return, that $7,700 could grow into about $15,150. And over 20 years, about $29,800. And after 30 years, which could be around the time you start thinking about retiring, it might’ve grown to about $58,600.
$58,600 is a substantial amount that could come from an initial investment of just $10 a week for 10 years. That’s $53,400 that was earned off of an initial investment of $5,200 in this scenario.

Factors that impact retirement savings

Now of course, this example is hypothetical. It doesn’t take into account inflation, which will also have a substantial effect on the value of your funds over time.
And there’s no guarantee that you can get a 7% return. And in a tax-deferred account like a traditional 401(k), you’ll need to pay taxes on what you withdraw when you retire. There may also be expenses associated with your investment account. As well as expenses and fees associated with individual investments. And all of these things can have an impact on the performance of your account over time. To learn more about your particular account, you can speak to an investment professional.


But getting back to our example: Over time, these investments have had the opportunity to grow, and in addition to that growth, any money you might earn from your investments, when reinvested, can provide the potential to earn even more.
While it’s never too late to start contributing toward retirement, setting aside just a few extra dollars now can give your retirement plan a great start.

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  • boggle blue style avatar for user x.asper (bio)
    What is the avg. amount of funds you should have in America to retire?
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    • starky ultimate style avatar for user Tyler
      Americans have a magic number — and it's big. It's one of the toughest questions facing workers: How much do you need to retire? Americans with retirement accounts say there is a magic number, and it's a big figure: an average of $1.8 million.
      Hope this helps!
      (0 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user Ashley Smith
    What would happen if someone didn't have a retirment savings.
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    • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user yarnaddict24.7
      Earl Nightingale (a motivational speaker who lived from 1921-1989) once said that if you take 100 men who start even at the age of 25, and you ask them if they wanted to be a success, they'll tell you that they did. However by the time those men are 65, one will be rich, four will be financially independent, five will still be working, and fifty-four will be broke. The difference between those men are their goals. When you have a goal, and constantly remind yourself of it, your RAS (reticular activating system) will begin looking for ways in which to achieve that goal.
      If your goal is to be financially independent by the time you are ready to retire, the means of achieving that goal is to be intentional with your money. We humans typically think one of two things: 1) that we'll "never" grow old. We'll just keep on working until the day we die. We don't consciously think that, but we live as if that's the case. 2) We think that even if we aren't paying attention to our money, it'll all magically be there when we're old and grey, and we can live a comfortable life.
      What you need to ask yourself is where you see yourself in the distant future? What do you see yourself doing? Where are you living? What is the range of money you'll need in order to live your life to its fullest and cross a couple things off of your bucket list during that time, taking the fluctuation of the value of money into account? Etc.
      After asking yourself questions like that, you will most likely find that the extra thousand dollars you once saved from a couple paydays won't assist you in living your definition of a good life during your last few decades in this world.

      Hope that answers your question! If it doesn't, let me know, and I'll see if I can give a better answer. :)

      P.S. the talk by Earl Nightingale is titled, "The Strangest Secret in the World" if you're interested in listening to it. I highly recommend it for anyone interested in growth and self-improvement.
      (1 vote)
  • blobby green style avatar for user Gage Rottum
    Is there a specific age to retire?
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  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user Liang
    Not everyone is an expert in buying securities or investments.

    Generally, people with little to average financial knowledge are better off or worse off by having an IRA account to trade securities etc?

    I assume quite a lot of people may lose parts of their principles rather than earning money, then what's the point of having the IRA account to trade?
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  • blobby green style avatar for user makennatwine16
    No questions for this lesson
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  • mr pink green style avatar for user 2045687
    What is the effect of time on your retirement?
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    • starky sapling style avatar for user -_-i see u
      well, there is a lot that affects your retirement the more time you spend working the less of a chance you get to enjoy life with very little money but if you start to put away money at an early age you will retire a lot more early and will be able to enjoy life with I good amount of money.
      (1 vote)
  • blobby green style avatar for user 825967
    What is the effect of time on your retirement.
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  • blobby green style avatar for user TYLAN BARBER
    what is a good enough amount of money to live the rest of your life off.
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Billie Patterson
    Agreed. $$$$$$$$ saved grows when you know how to manage it.
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  • winston baby style avatar for user kelvin loyd
    what's a good amount of money saver for Retirment?
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